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Monday, February 9, 2015

Swedish For Immigrants - Update

SFI Photo 2 Cropped 
On my way to class – 7:45 a.m. Dome in far background is huge shopping center, a Borläge landmark. Days are getting lighter longer now, thank God. The roundabouts were scary in the dark with snow on the ground. We’ve had our first serious snow here, about 10 inches I think. Much more in the north.

Phase 2 of ‘B’ Class started 7 January. A few who were in my Phase 1 ‘B’ class moved on to ‘C’ level, but not that many. I am doing much better with the tests now and maintain an 85% average. I have learned how to take the tests, but still have almost zero language skills. A guy came to the door selling fish when my wife was not at home one day last week. I told him she would be coming back in, ‘two years’. Seems I invariably make those kinds of mistakes when I risk communication in this unknown tongue.

I still have very little understanding of lectures or anything being said in class. Whatever. I am hanging in. Not sure I want to go rise up to ‘C’ level even if allowed. These classes are taking so much of my time. I’ve given up gym class and am gaining weight at a surprising rate. Have done no serious writing, only these blogs and a few poems. I have two books written that require massive revisions. I simply do not have time, and still seem light years away from being able to understand what anyone is saying in Swedish.

Strangely enough I enjoy the classes, and seem to be making friends.

SFI Compis 1
Note my rapidly expanding stomach. Embarrassing!

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